Sunday, May 15, 2011




Narrator - In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.

Guts - If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath won't be able to walk.

Guts - My place really was here. I was too foolish and stubborn to notice. But, what I truly hoped for then was here... Why do I always realize it.. When I've already lost it...

Guts - In the end the winner is still the last man standing.

Griffith - Death on the battlefield comes regardless of class, royal or common. The loser must die!

Judeau - I realised that I could never be the best, so I decided to find the man that could and serve by his side.

Responsability 8
Appreciation 5
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 6
Self-Acceptance 7
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 8

Friday, May 6, 2011

Redbelt: Integrity and Ethic



Mike Terry: There's always an escape.

Mike Terry: A man distracted is a man defeated.

Mike Terry: There is no situation you could not escape from. You know the escape.

Sondra Terry: You think it was noble? The code of the warrior. You think it's noble?
Mike Terry: No, I think it's correct.

Mike Terry: The hands are not the issue. The fight is the issue. The battle is the issue. Who imposes the terms of the battle will impose the terms of the peace. Think he has a handicap? No. The other guy has a handicap if he cannot control himself. You control yourself, you control him.

Mike Terry: You want the officer to walk you home? Huh? It's rough out there.
Snowflake: Well after he gets his black belt he can walk me to the car. That'll make me feel secure.
Mike Terry: How's the belt going to make you feel secure?
Snowflake: I know his fucking pants aren't going to fall down.

Mike Terry: [as Laura cries] It's alright. There's no one here but the fighters.

Responsability 9
Appreciation 3
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 3
Self-Acceptance 5
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 7