Sunday, May 15, 2011




Narrator - In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.

Guts - If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath won't be able to walk.

Guts - My place really was here. I was too foolish and stubborn to notice. But, what I truly hoped for then was here... Why do I always realize it.. When I've already lost it...

Guts - In the end the winner is still the last man standing.

Griffith - Death on the battlefield comes regardless of class, royal or common. The loser must die!

Judeau - I realised that I could never be the best, so I decided to find the man that could and serve by his side.

Responsability 8
Appreciation 5
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 6
Self-Acceptance 7
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 8

Friday, May 6, 2011

Redbelt: Integrity and Ethic



Mike Terry: There's always an escape.

Mike Terry: A man distracted is a man defeated.

Mike Terry: There is no situation you could not escape from. You know the escape.

Sondra Terry: You think it was noble? The code of the warrior. You think it's noble?
Mike Terry: No, I think it's correct.

Mike Terry: The hands are not the issue. The fight is the issue. The battle is the issue. Who imposes the terms of the battle will impose the terms of the peace. Think he has a handicap? No. The other guy has a handicap if he cannot control himself. You control yourself, you control him.

Mike Terry: You want the officer to walk you home? Huh? It's rough out there.
Snowflake: Well after he gets his black belt he can walk me to the car. That'll make me feel secure.
Mike Terry: How's the belt going to make you feel secure?
Snowflake: I know his fucking pants aren't going to fall down.

Mike Terry: [as Laura cries] It's alright. There's no one here but the fighters.

Responsability 9
Appreciation 3
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 3
Self-Acceptance 5
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 7

Friday, April 29, 2011

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time



You says there is grapevine united among them in the time, tied by an ancient call, that resounds in the Eras

Tamina: That's impossible.
Prince Dastan: Difficult, not impossible.

Tamina: All the pain in the world will not help you find something that does not exist.

King Sharaman: A great man who would have stopped what he knew to be wrong, no matter who was ordering it.

Tus: We both know Dastan was many things, but *not* a coward.

King Sharaman: [to Dastan] Family, the bond between brothers, that is the sword that defends our empire; I pray that that sword stays strong.

Prince Dastan: I've heard all these terrible stories of this place.
Sheik Amar: [laughing] The bloodthirsty slaves, murdering their masters? It's a good story; it's well told, ever-evolving, yeah but alas untrue.

Responsability 7
Appreciation 5
Resilience 8
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 4
Mistakes-Acceptance 6
Self-Acceptance 5
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 4

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The International



Jonas Skarssen - What do you want?
Louis Salinger - I want some fucking justice.

Wilhelm Wexler - Sometimes a man can meet his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.

Louis Salinger - Sometimes the hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn... I'm the one you burn.

Eleanor Whitman - We are just trying to get to the truth!
New York D.A. - I get it! But what you need to remember is that there's what people want to hear, there's what people want to believe, there's everything else, THEN there's the truth!
Eleanor Whitman - And since when it's that OK? I can't even believe you are saying this to me! The truth means responsibility, Arnie!
New York D.A. - Exactly! Which is why everyone dreads it!

Wilhelm Wexler - We cannot control the things life does to us. They are done before you know it, and once they are done, they make you do other things. Until at last everything comes between you and the man you wanted to be.

Umberto Calvini - The IBBC is a bank. Their objective isn't to control the conflict, it's to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict, the true value, is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything. You find this upsetting, yes? But this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.

Louis Salinger - Based on everything I've read about you, you seem like the kind of man who aspired to die for something more than this.
Wilhelm Wexler - Well, this is the difference between truth and fiction. Fiction has to make sense.

Cassian Skarssen - When there's no way out, you find a deeper way in.

Jonas Skarssen - [to his son regarding a board game] This is a game that rewards patience and balance. You must think like a man of action and act like a man of thought.

Responsability 8
Appreciation 3
Resilience 8
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 7
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 6
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 6
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 6

Monday, April 18, 2011

Superman Returns


Superman - You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior, but every day I hear people crying for one. I'm sorry I left you, Lois.

Lois Lane - But millions of people will die!
Lex Luthor - Billions! Once again, the press underestimates me.

Perry White - Lois, Pulitzer Prizes are like Academy Awards, nobody remembers what you got one for, just that you got one.

Jor-El - [Superman is flashing back to things his father told him] The human heart is still subject to monstrous deceits.

Superman - You will be different. Sometimes, you will feel like an outcast, but you will never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son.

Responsability 8
Appreciation 6
Resilience 7
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 4
Mistakes-Acceptance 6
Self-Acceptance 7
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 3
Death-Acceptance 3
Pain-Acceptance 5


Responsability 7
Appreciation 4
Resilience 5
Higher Purpose 3
Reality-Acceptance 6
Mistakes-Acceptance 7
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 6
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 5

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Happening



If the bee disappears off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left

Elliot Moore - If we're going to die, I want you to know something. I was in the pharmacy a while ago. There was a really good-looking pharmacist behind the counter. Really good-looking. I went up and asked her where the cough syrup was. I didn't even have a cough, and I almost bought it. I'm talking about a completely superfluous bottle of cough syrup, which costs like six bucks.

Responsability 6
Appreciation 4
Resilience 8
Higher Purpose 4
Reality-Acceptance 7
Mistakes-Acceptance 5
Self-Acceptance 3
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 2
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 3

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



Abd El-Krim - For centuries my people have roamed across this land. It has always been our home. In our culture, a man who has courage is valued above all. For this reason, I will allow you to live. Take a message back to your leaders: this is what awaits them, if they continue invading our country!

Alain Lefevre - The Legion is a family!

Mackintosh - From little towns in a far land we came, to save our honor from a world of flame. In little towns in a far land we sleep, and trust that world we won, to you to keep.

Recruiting Sergeant - There are only three ways you can return to France. One, fulfill your contract. Two, disability. And three, in a box!

Steinkampf - A word of advice! I suggest you keep one last bullet in your pockets, not for your enemy, but for yourselves.

Responsability 7
Appreciation 3
Resilience 8
Higher Purpose 3
Reality-Acceptance 7
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 5
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 3
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 8

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Love happens: grief processing



Burke - Funerals are important rituals. They're not only recognition that a person has died; they're recognition that a person has lived.

Burke - Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. When that happens, you've got two choices, friend: you can wear a sour face or make lemonade.

Responsability 7
Appreciation 7
Resilience 7
Higher Purpose 7
Reality-Acceptance 7
Mistakes-Acceptance 7
Self-Acceptance 6
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 4
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 8

Monday, April 4, 2011



Drover - Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.

Nullah - I sing you to me. 
Lady Sarah Ashley - And I will hear you, my darling!

Magarri - If you've got no love in your heart, you've got nothing... No dreaming, not story, nothing.

Lady Sarah Ashley - Let's go home.
Drover - There's no place like it.

Responsability 7
Appreciation 6
Resilience 7
Higher Purpose 7
Reality-Acceptance 3
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 7
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 5
Pain-Acceptance 5

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Home of the brave: in search of a meaning


Penelope Marsh: Will, what happened over there?
Will Marsh: I dont really remember. You know. Its like a dream. Hazy dream.
Penelope Marsh: Then tell me. I wanna know.
Will Marsh: Do you? Wanna know what a blast wound looks like? What an OR in the desert smells like?What really happens to them? How they die? You really wanna know? You want us to come back like nothing ever happened. You dont want to get your hands dirty with the details.

Responsability 8
Appreciation 2
Resilience 6
Higher Purpose 4
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 8
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 3
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 7

Leaves of Grass

Responsability 7
Appreciation 4
Resilience 3
Higher Purpose 3
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 7
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 4

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Seven pounds: expiation


In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine.

George Ristuccia: You know, Ben, I keep asking you this but why me? 
Ben Thomas: Because you are a good man. 
George Ristuccia: No, really. 
Ben Thomas: Even when you

don't know that people are watching you.

Tim Thomas: It is within my power to drastically change his circumstances, but I don't want to give that man a git doesn't deserve.

Emily Posa: Why do I get the feeling you're doing me a really big favor?
Tim Thomas: Because I get the feeling that you really deserve it.

Responsability 8
Appreciation 1
Resilience 1
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 1
Mistakes-Acceptance 1
Self-Acceptance 1
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 1
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Naruto: Resilience and Determination


Responsabilità 7
Apprezzamento 6
Resilienza 9
Scopo Elevato 6
Accettazione della Realtà 1
Accettazione di Sbagliare 7
Accettazione di Se 4
Accettazione dei Giudizi degli Altri 7
Accettazione della Morte 3
Accettazione del Dolore 6

Stop-loss: Sacrifice


Responsability 7
Appreciation 3
Resilience 5
Higher Purpose 7
Reality-Acceptance 6
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 2
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 2
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 7


Responsability 7
Appreciation 4
Resilience 4
Higher Purpose 7
Reality-Acceptance 3
Mistakes-Acceptance 5
Self-Acceptance 2
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 2
Death-Acceptance 7
Pain-Acceptance 3

Monday, March 14, 2011

She's out of my league: Accepting yourself

Responsability 5
Appreciation 3
Resilience 4
Higher Purpose 4
Reality-Acceptance 5
Mistakes-Acceptance 7
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 1
Pain-Acceptance 3

Monday, March 7, 2011


Responsability 2
Appreciation 7
Resilience 7
Higher Purpose 4
Reality-Acceptance 2
Mistakes-Acceptance 2
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 8
Death-Acceptance 1
Pain-Acceptance 1

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Le Ultime 56 Ore: Italian Heroes

Responsability 8
Appreciation 4
Resilience 6
Higher Purpose 9
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 6
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 9
Pain-Acceptance 7

Shantaram: From India with Love and Pain

Responsability 8
Appreciation 9
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 6
Reality-Acceptance 8
Mistakes-Acceptance 7
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 5
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 9

Friday, March 4, 2011

Blades of Glory: Zero Embarassment

            DVD                          BD                  INSTANT VIDEO

Responsability 5
Appreciation 4
Resilience 6
Higher Purpose 4
Reality-Acceptance 1
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 7
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 8
Death-Acceptance 1
Pain-Acceptance 4

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Road: Max levels of Acceptation of Death and Reality

           DVD                      BD             INSTANT VIDEO

Responsability 7
Appreciation 7
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 3
Reality-Acceptance 9
Mistakes-Acceptance 4
Self-Acceptance 6
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 5
Death-Acceptance 9
Pain-Acceptance 8

Thursday, February 24, 2011


DVD                        BD                     INSTANT VIDEO

Responsability 5
Appreciation 1
Resilience 3
Higher Purpose 8
Reality-Acceptance 3
Mistakes-Acceptance 1
Self-Acceptance 1
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 1
Death-Acceptance 6
Pain-Acceptance 1

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - First Season

Responsability 8
Appreciation 3
Resilience 7
Higher Purpose 9
Reality-Acceptance 5
Mistakes-Acceptance 8
Self-Acceptance 3
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 3
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Big Fish: Life and Fantasy Appreciation

DVD                     INSTANT VIDEO         BD              

Responsability 7
Appreciation 9
Resilience 5
Higher Purpose 3
Reality-Acceptance 1
Mistakes-Acceptance 3
Self-Acceptance 8
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 7
Death-Acceptance 4
Pain-Acceptance 2

Sanctum: Resilience Builder

Responsability 7
Appreciation 4
Resilience 9
Higher Purpose 2
Reality-Acceptance 9
Mistakes-Acceptance 7
Self-Acceptance 4
Others-Opinion-Acceptance 6
Death-Acceptance 8
Pain-Acceptance 7